Tuesday, December 27, 2011


There was a time when I thought I knew how the world worked.  Up was up and down was down. Banks issued loans and people borrowed from banks. The highest return one could realize on one's investment would be just enough to beat inflation. Savings was a must, as was thrift, hard work, an occasional vacation, and the mandatory mortgage.

That was twenty years ago, when I was in my mid-thirties and I thought I knew almost everything.

The world of high finance has opened my eyes.  Up is not really up, unless you want it do be up.  Down can be down as long as you don't expect it to be down all the time. Money doesn't have to be saved. It can be created.  You don't need a mortgage on an income producing property. You can use future revenues as collateral. Do you have an interest bearing note? How about taking that interest and calling it something or other and using it for collateral?

So, you need a business loan for $500,000 and you say you don't have any collateral? No problem. Do you have a business plan that proves you will be able to pay the interest? That's all you need.  You ask how you will pay back the principal? What principal? Who said anything about the principal?

So, you are thinking of getting a better rate for those CD's you parked in the bank four years ago at 3.5% per annum? By the way, why are the bank tellers always smiling like they know something you are not supposed to know? It's an empty condescending mandatory smile through the looking glass. You see, they know that we don't know what we don't know, and they also know we will never know. They have been probably sworn to secrecy.

If I told you that you could put your $10K into an account and make 4% per month (guaranteed) what would you say? What if you could put $500M into an account and see it turn into $50B in a year? "Sure!..... Right!" you say.  I don't blame you for your disbelief. It's better not to believe me. Believe me, you'll sleep better at night.

In fact, forget you ever read this blog. Just have breakfast, drive off to work, punch the clock, sit at your desk, make fifty phone calls, shuffle some papers, return to your comfortable home,  go back to sleep and be happy.

Be happy you never read this. It never happened.
